Otter Creek Got my dark sunglasses on and I had my weapon drawn
188 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
I'm powerplaying Fireblaze out of this thread because she is currently suspended.

Ptarmigan didn't really know anything about rotting meat. She knew after some time, meat would begin to smell weird and bugs would take it over, but she didn't know anything about bacteria or food poisoning. After all, she was a wolf, and therefore pretty much immune to that sort of thing when it came to red meat. Fresh meat tasted the best, but a hungry lone wolf such as her had to eat, even if it meant eating garbage.

The taste didn't bother her, nor did the smell, but it apparently bothered someone. She was approached by a bold black bitch with bright blue eyes, who proceeded to sit herself down as though she wasn't intruding. Ptarmigan peeled back her lips, revealing festering otter flesh between her teeth as she chewed her current mouthful. It was a clear sign that the other wolf wasn't welcome, yet Fireblaze reached out a paw, chiding her for eating it.

Immediately, the Endore lashed out at the intruding wolf, snapping her jaws dangerously close to the other female's foot and hunching over the rotting otter possessively. Apparently, Fireblaze came to her senses and chose to disappear back in the direction she'd come from, leaving Ptarmigan alone with her food... Or so she thought until glanced to the left and spotted another dark wolf. Meldresi wasn't close yet, but Ptarmigan was ruffled by Fireblaze's intrusion. She placed both forepaws on either side of the otter and rose, snarling her intent to guard this unsavoury meal from the priestess.
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