The Sunspire I got tired of the song and decided not to start a new one
63 Posts
Ooc — Fira
Wraen had picked up on his last bit, the one about worshiping the Light. Amsu had said that out of habit, and not as a tidbit to get her to latch onto, but he supposed he was happy that she had noticed it all the same. She was curious about his religion and he was more than happy to tell her about it. But first he would say this, “Amsu will tell you about what he believes, but one of his beliefs is that forcing his religion upon others is wrong. He will tell you because you seem curious, but he must also say that he has nothing against other religions, or no religion at all. As long as no harm is being committed to anyone.” This was common practice for him when others asked about the Way of Light. His religion was, perhaps, different from others in that one of the customs was not to actively proselytize. He converted others only on their own terms and he told then this up front so that they would not feel so defensive.

With that out of the way, he murmured, “Let Amsu see… where to begin. He supposes the most important aspect is that we believe that all life is sacred, from the smallest mouse to the biggest caribou. We hunt only to feed ourselves and never for sport. The second most important belief is that Light—the sun, moon, and stars—is sacred, for it represents life.” He paused, unsure of where to go next in his explanation and not wanting to overwhelm her. “Would you like to know anything else?”
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RE: I got tired of the song and decided not to start a new one - by Amsu - December 28, 2018, 03:39 PM