Sunbeam Lair Passing by all the monsters in my head
105 Posts
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Sorin had followed Liri and Siqsa back into the mountains, the trio twisting their way through along rocky trails. He was versed in traveling in such terrain, having lived among the mountains in Viggo's pack. It had been a while however, since he had spent any great length of time among the heights of the world. In some ways, being in the mountains, even unfamiliar ones, felt like returning home.

His gaze turned briefly to Liri, as it often had during their trip. When he looked back on the exchange of their past a few nights prior, Sorin couldn't help but feel a sense of concern. The event had created an irrevocable connection, and Sorin was still not without fear of creating such ties with others. He trusted her, knew that she had been through hell like himself, but one did not just let go of a guard that had been thrown up due to a betrayal like Livia's. If he was honest with himself, it concerned him somewhat with how easily she had gotten under his fur, with how easily his story had come spilling out. Still, it was done and there was no taking it back. The only thing to do now was go forward.

They continued their trek through a narrow pass before coming to the entrance of a large cavern. Liri stopped rather suddenly, and Sorin glanced at her, immediately concerned. The signals she was giving off were of fear and anxiety, and she seemed to be frozen in contemplation, or perhaps recollection. He remembered her telling him she had become lost in a cave system in her old territory; maybe she was recalling those events. As she turned, not quite meeting the eyes of him and Siqsa, he was almost certain that was the case.

"No," he said softly, but with a degree of confidence. He could see that she was shaken, and was probably in no condition to be roving about. "You rest, I'll scout, make sure we won't be disturbed." He was the fittest out of the three, so it only made sense that he would be the one to scope the area. Still, he didn't want her to suffer in the fear he suspected lay beneath her thin bravado.

"Don't stay near the cave if you don't want to, but let me scout around, alright." he whispered, for her ears alone. He didn't know if Siqsa knew of her fears, and he didn't want to be the one to reveal them if his suspicions were true. However, he didn't want her pushing herself too hard either.
Messages In This Thread
Passing by all the monsters in my head - by Síff - February 21, 2019, 01:23 AM
RE: Passing by all the monsters in my head - by Sorin - February 21, 2019, 06:27 PM
RE: Passing by all the monsters in my head - by Siqsa - February 25, 2019, 05:43 PM
RE: Passing by all the monsters in my head - by Síff - February 27, 2019, 10:37 PM
RE: Passing by all the monsters in my head - by Sorin - February 28, 2019, 12:07 AM