Heron Lake Plateau You bring an energy I've never felt before
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154 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
A lot of this news shocked Fiadh, who thought her parents would live and die as Redhawks. She thought she recognized the name Wildfire from back at the Caldera, but it was a long time ago and she scarcely remembered who that was. Just the wolf their entire pack had gone to war for, no biggie. What happened, Fi wondered, for her parents' allegiance to change? Raven was a good Alpha last she checked, and I don't remember if Quixote was a leader then or not, but he probably was too.

Who was Wildfire to them to trump their years of loyalty to that pack? A question for another time, perhaps, for Finley took that moment to drop the bomb of the century on her head. Or a bomb of the century, at least. It ranked up there. Nieces and nephews? she wondered, wracking her brain. It definitely wasn't her brother. Fiadh loved him dearly, but he was just too much of a mama's boy to attract any self-respecting woman, so that only left her sister. Unless some other long lost siblings were there, but Finley hadn't mentioned them if they were. Who did Clo hook up with? she asked, forgetting completely that Clover, like her, wasn't old enough for that.
Messages In This Thread
You bring an energy I've never felt before - by Fiadh - April 10, 2019, 10:29 AM
RE: You bring an energy I've never felt before - by Fiadh - May 01, 2019, 06:30 PM