Shadewood fifteen kids in the backyard drinking wine
61 Posts
Ooc — Espero
Sleep was something Higoro found easy to gain, but easier to wake up from. Dreams of his betrayal often haunted him in the night, like a pack of coyotes yipping and howling after their prey. The night was one of those nights, full of coyotes and after four attempts at staying asleep he stopped trying. Opting for night patrol, a rare occurrence but one that dulls the mind enough for sleep. Off he went, walking down the long border, checking all the usual things. Scents, markings, game trails, ect. He had no luck with game that night, raccoons were usually eyeing Higoro up form the tops of trees. Sometimes he'd play games with them and sleep under the tree just to scare them into stay up all night. Although some were stupid enough to crawl down, a mistake Higoro took full advantage of.

His patrol was going well until a growl sounded from his left, within the borders. His hackles raised and thick canines slipping past his maw. He spotted the one who dared growl at him, this male wasn't Cry, so that meant Higoro wouldn't hold back. He wasn't to be disrespected that easily, especially when it didn't benefit him. A nastly snarl came from the male, along with fully barred, bloody teeth. "Who are you to growl at me boy? I suggest you put that tail between your legs and get moving!" He ordered, his voice booming with anger. His stature was large, and puffed out due to his fur but his position stood firm. His paw planted, and his body braced, Higoro wasn't only threatening that male with his words, but body language. Higoro had been itching for a fight for weeks, and hopefully this would satisfy him.
No honour among thieves 
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RE: fifteen kids in the backyard drinking wine - by Higoro - June 05, 2019, 11:51 PM