Could we have a public post for the current locations of packs/forming packs?
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So I have had two threads that have resulted in conflict with a pack/forming pack. One was a thread that was initially in neutral territory but was claimed like a day later and I wasn't aware of anyone claiming Golden Glade. I didn't mind too much, but I just saw another thread that went a similar way, where a newbie was unaware of the Melonii's move and accidentally trespassed. To be fair, both of my incidents could be from me not reading the post/ooc more in depth, but I think it would be fairer overall for people to know what large groups (4 +?) are where, especially given the amount of forming packs we have, and the potential for packs to still be together but moving around.

It would help people who:
  • want to avoid potential physical harm to their characters atm
  • want to get rekt
  • are new and have no idea what's going on
  • don't follow every new pack that's forming or just don't follow every pack period
  • want to join a pack that is currently out of their officially claimed territory or in the process of moving (i.e. Melonii)
What do people think? Would it be too much of a hassle to keep updated...maybe weekly?
Messages In This Thread
Could we have a public post for the current locations of packs/forming packs? - by Gryff - June 17, 2019, 09:03 PM