Blackfoot Forest make it up as you go
<div style="font-size: 11px; font-family: georgia; font-style: italic; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px rgba(206, 206, 206, 1);"><font color="#20a6ed">s</font><font color="#24a4e8">t</font><font color="#27a1e3">e</font><font color="#2b9fde">p</font> <font color="#339ad4">i</font><font color="#3698cf">n</font><font color="#3a95ca">t</font><font color="#3e93c5">o</font> <font color="#458eba">o</font><font color="#498cb5">p</font><font color="#4d89b0">e</font><font color="#5187ab">n</font> <font color="#5882a1">s</font><font color="#5c809c">k</font><font color="#607d97">i</font><font color="#637b92">e</font><font color="#67798d">s</font><font color="#6b7688">,</font> <font color="#72717e">c</font><font color="#766f79">l</font><font color="#7a6d74">o</font><font color="#7d6a6f">s</font><font color="#81686a">e</font> <font color="#896360">y</font><font color="#8c615a">o</font><font color="#905e55">u</font><font color="#945c50">r</font> <font color="#9b5746">e</font><font color="#9f5541">y</font><font color="#a3523c">e</font><font color="#a75037">s</font><br><font color="#aa4d32">j</font><font color="#ae4b2d">u</font><font color="#aa4d32">m</font><font color="#a65037">p</font> <font color="#9f5542">i</font><font color="#9b5747">n</font><font color="#975a4c">t</font><font color="#935c51">o</font> <font color="#8b615c">s</font><font color="#886461">o</font><font color="#846666">m</font><font color="#80696b">e</font><font color="#7c6b70">t</font><font color="#786d76">h</font><font color="#74707b">i</font><font color="#717280">n</font><font color="#6d7585">g</font> <font color="#657a90">y</font><font color="#617c95">o</font><font color="#5d7f9a">u</font> <font color="#5684a4">d</font><font color="#5286aa">o</font><font color="#4e88af">n</font><font color="#4a8bb4">’</font><font color="#468db9">t</font> <font color="#3f92c3">r</font><font color="#3b95c9">e</font><font color="#3797ce">c</font><font color="#339ad3">o</font><font color="#2f9cd8">g</font><font color="#2c9fdd">n</font><font color="#28a1e3">i</font><font color="#24a4e8">z</font><font color="#20a6ed">e</font></div>
32 Posts
Ooc — John

The first lunge had missed, but by some miracle – or perhaps just talent as Eli would like to say – he had caught the large rabbit! Only... it made a weird sound. Rabbits typically made whiny noises, but not ones that sounded... wolf-like.
Eyebrows furrowed, immediately his grip on the creature softened. His head tilting when he heard the words, too! Either this was a very intelligent rabbit that somehow knew how to talk like a canine, or he had accidentally swooped up an innocent pup. It wasn't his fault though! They looked just like a rabbit and had been lingering near a rabbit hole too.
Slowly Elijah lowered the pup down, moving a paw protectively around him as if to try and keep him from going anywhere. Head remained tilted with bright blue eyes blinking as he released the tiny pup and sat back to give him a good glance over.
“Little man, why do you look like a rabbit?” He asked, completely puzzled by this discovery.
Messages In This Thread
make it up as you go - by Rory - August 05, 2014, 10:09 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 05, 2014, 10:28 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 05, 2014, 10:46 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 05, 2014, 11:00 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 05, 2014, 11:33 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 05, 2014, 11:51 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 14, 2014, 05:27 AM
RE: make it up as you go - by Rory - August 05, 2014, 10:37 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Rory - August 05, 2014, 10:51 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Rory - August 05, 2014, 11:08 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Rory - August 05, 2014, 11:41 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Rory - August 08, 2014, 04:05 PM