Blackfoot Forest make it up as you go
<div style="font-size: 11px; font-family: georgia; font-style: italic; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px rgba(206, 206, 206, 1);"><font color="#20a6ed">s</font><font color="#24a4e8">t</font><font color="#27a1e3">e</font><font color="#2b9fde">p</font> <font color="#339ad4">i</font><font color="#3698cf">n</font><font color="#3a95ca">t</font><font color="#3e93c5">o</font> <font color="#458eba">o</font><font color="#498cb5">p</font><font color="#4d89b0">e</font><font color="#5187ab">n</font> <font color="#5882a1">s</font><font color="#5c809c">k</font><font color="#607d97">i</font><font color="#637b92">e</font><font color="#67798d">s</font><font color="#6b7688">,</font> <font color="#72717e">c</font><font color="#766f79">l</font><font color="#7a6d74">o</font><font color="#7d6a6f">s</font><font color="#81686a">e</font> <font color="#896360">y</font><font color="#8c615a">o</font><font color="#905e55">u</font><font color="#945c50">r</font> <font color="#9b5746">e</font><font color="#9f5541">y</font><font color="#a3523c">e</font><font color="#a75037">s</font><br><font color="#aa4d32">j</font><font color="#ae4b2d">u</font><font color="#aa4d32">m</font><font color="#a65037">p</font> <font color="#9f5542">i</font><font color="#9b5747">n</font><font color="#975a4c">t</font><font color="#935c51">o</font> <font color="#8b615c">s</font><font color="#886461">o</font><font color="#846666">m</font><font color="#80696b">e</font><font color="#7c6b70">t</font><font color="#786d76">h</font><font color="#74707b">i</font><font color="#717280">n</font><font color="#6d7585">g</font> <font color="#657a90">y</font><font color="#617c95">o</font><font color="#5d7f9a">u</font> <font color="#5684a4">d</font><font color="#5286aa">o</font><font color="#4e88af">n</font><font color="#4a8bb4">’</font><font color="#468db9">t</font> <font color="#3f92c3">r</font><font color="#3b95c9">e</font><font color="#3797ce">c</font><font color="#339ad3">o</font><font color="#2f9cd8">g</font><font color="#2c9fdd">n</font><font color="#28a1e3">i</font><font color="#24a4e8">z</font><font color="#20a6ed">e</font></div>
32 Posts
Ooc — John
At first he was scared the little guy was attempting to run away and that he wouldn't get his answer... If that happened, he'd forever wonder if it really was a super intelligent rabbit that he could tell stories about. It'd be nice to know for sure though. He frowned, head straightening as he watched the little thing hop over his paw and was about to try and corral him in again when the brown pup turned to bravely face his attacker. Elijah's chin tucked towards his throat, leaning back a bit in a mixture of surprise and awe at this little guy's bravery.
“Yes you do,” he bluntly stated. His right eyebrow arched up curiously, tail swaying behind him with his left paw still hanging akin to a feline about to strike. “Your face looks sorta wolf-like though, but you have no tail and are super tiny!” He stressed this, trying to explain why he was so confused. But the little guy went on to say that he was a big... big goat which caused Eli to gasp aloud.
“Wait, what really? Do I look like a goat? I thought I lost weight recently.” The agouti wolf glanced over his shoulder at his stomach.
Messages In This Thread
make it up as you go - by Rory - August 05, 2014, 10:09 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 05, 2014, 10:28 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 05, 2014, 10:46 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 05, 2014, 11:00 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 05, 2014, 11:33 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 05, 2014, 11:51 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Elijah Piers - August 14, 2014, 05:27 AM
RE: make it up as you go - by Rory - August 05, 2014, 10:37 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Rory - August 05, 2014, 10:51 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Rory - August 05, 2014, 11:08 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Rory - August 05, 2014, 11:41 PM
RE: make it up as you go - by Rory - August 08, 2014, 04:05 PM