Wheeling Gull Isle And basically I've gotta know
57 Posts
Ooc — Hela
She shifted some and then curled against him in response, making him tighten his hold around her. Just as physically and emotionally exhausted as she was, a large yawn parted his jaws, and he released it with a long, contented sigh. He had all he could ask for right now with her curled up safely against him, sated and his. 

Neither said anything for some time, and he could feel the pull of sleep tugging at him harder with each peaceful second. His eyelids, too, had grown heavy, and he was about to give in to his body's demand when her words broke through the quiet. She wanted to be with him. The words and following affection pushed away any lingering tiredness as his heart picked up speed again. He wanted her again, right then, just for saying it. He lowered his head to where her face was hidden and gently nipped just below her ear. Then, I am yours, he rumbled. But truthfully, he had always been hers and she his, even when there was no certainty that he would ever see her again. There was no one else for him, and there were no words he could think of right now that could fully convey how happy it made him to hear her say she wanted to be with him. He supposed he had plenty of time to show her, though, and he would make sure she never had a reason to regret giving herself to him.
Common || Lirean
Messages In This Thread
And basically I've gotta know - by Daegon - July 30, 2019, 08:25 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Rhælla - July 30, 2019, 09:19 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Daegon - July 30, 2019, 10:17 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Rhælla - July 30, 2019, 11:09 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Daegon - July 30, 2019, 11:52 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Rhælla - July 31, 2019, 12:34 AM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Daegon - July 31, 2019, 01:14 AM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Rhælla - July 31, 2019, 02:41 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Daegon - July 31, 2019, 04:33 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Rhælla - July 31, 2019, 05:16 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Daegon - July 31, 2019, 05:59 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Rhælla - July 31, 2019, 06:31 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Daegon - July 31, 2019, 07:27 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Rhælla - July 31, 2019, 08:08 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Daegon - July 31, 2019, 08:43 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Rhælla - July 31, 2019, 09:04 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Daegon - July 31, 2019, 09:48 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Rhælla - July 31, 2019, 10:55 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Daegon - July 31, 2019, 11:29 PM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Rhælla - August 01, 2019, 12:45 AM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Daegon - August 01, 2019, 02:26 AM
RE: And basically I've gotta know - by Rhælla - August 01, 2019, 03:13 PM