Fairspell Meadow the fear has gripped me but here i go
181 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
It was time. The changes within Diaspora and her discontent continued only to grow. She was on the lookout now, but the terrain around the mountains did not captivate the woman, and she knew she soon would need to summon her children and embark further—shedding Diaspora from her skin and name. The idea was painful in many ways—yet suffocating in others.

The meadow was barren this day. Flurries coated her honey white pelt while a stark and exotic gaze looked beyond. Searching—she just didn’t quite know what for just yet.
...you should see me in a c r o w n
Messages In This Thread
the fear has gripped me but here i go - by Ketzia - December 15, 2019, 07:06 AM
RE: the fear has gripped me but here i go - by Cephaloryn - December 15, 2019, 11:19 AM