Wild Fauna?
174 Posts
Ooc — nami
Xan dateline='[url=tel:1589178570' Wrote: 1589178570[/url]']
IIRC, the WF species have to be native to the area/region the game takes place in (or possibly native to North America in general? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong!), or have a logical reason for being in TW if they are not native. An example of the latter option would be an [escaped pet] macaw making its way around the area. Obviously, being that they are not native and therefore not naturally equipped to handle the different climate, they may not fare well in-game—which can mean some stellar plotting opportunities.

i've had a few non-native wild fauna that were allowed temporarily in-game. the caveat to bringing one in is that they can't be permanent because, like kuro mentioned, they are equipped for the environment.
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Messages In This Thread
Wild Fauna? - by Skoll Almir - May 11, 2020, 01:10 AM
RE: Wild Fauna? - by Xan - May 11, 2020, 01:29 AM
RE: Wild Fauna? - by Guardián - May 11, 2020, 05:57 AM
RE: Wild Fauna? - by RIP Grezig - May 11, 2020, 02:19 AM
RE: Wild Fauna? - by Skoll Almir - May 11, 2020, 11:40 AM