Kintla Flatlands that's what you get when you let your heart win
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Ooc — aerinne
Another wolf might have evaded the topic of Kisu's relationship with Amelie, but Fox was not another wolf. Instead, she dove straight into the meat of what she knew about Kisu. “Did you talk to Kisu?” she asked nonchalantly. If not, Fox would simply shrug her shoulders if asked why. If so, Fox would have a gay old time picking apart somebody else's relationship. Gods knew everybody had picked apart her mateship with Peregrine. Fox felt entitled to do the same to everybody in the plateau that she could.

Perhaps such a thought process was cruel, but Fox had never claimed to be kind. She thought for herself, for her advantage, and knew that if she had helped Kisu along in his endeavor, it meant that he would think more highly of her. If she had only corroded it, perhaps she could mend it by speaking with Amelie. In either case, she would come across as being helpful and empathetic, two things she was most certainly not. But it behooved her for others to think she had those qualities.
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RE: that's what you get when you let your heart win - by RIP Fox - September 02, 2014, 04:14 PM