Kintla Flatlands that's what you get when you let your heart win
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
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Ooc — aerinne
Fox had never been, and likely never would be, an emotional or empathetic wolf. So when Amelie spoke of love and acted like she was about to spill saltwater rain on the ground, it was all Fox could do not to roll her eyes. What was the big deal? Granted, when Fox's own lover and betrothed had up and died on her, all she could do was walk around like a numb idiot. At the worst possible time, too. Not that she would ever admit to being severely wounded by the whole thing. No, Fox would rarely, if ever, talk about such a thing. And yet, she had spoken to Kisu about it, ever so briefly.

“Love?” Fox asked, “He didn’t tell me that much. Just that he had a bit of a thing for you.” The spitfire hadn't realized how ~serious~ it was between the two of them. “He left you hanging, did he?” Fox asked rhetorically. “Probably not worth your time and effort, if you ask me. I thought he was serious when he said he wanted to get with you, but you know how boys are…” Maybe getting Kisu and Amelie together wasn't meant to be.
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RE: that's what you get when you let your heart win - by RIP Fox - September 04, 2014, 05:38 PM