Kintla Flatlands that's what you get when you let your heart win
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
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Ooc — aerinne
Squinting, Fox tried to make sense of what Amelie said. Even after their talk, it seemed Kisu was still hung up on Amelie's age. Fox tried to recall how old Kisu had said he was, but she couldn't remember the exact number. In any case, it hadn't been that old, and age meant little in the wolf world. “Listen, Amelie,” Fox said with a sigh, “I’m no wise woman, but I really think the both of you are getting hung up on the details. If you two like each other, why not just get with each other and get over it?” Unsolicited advice, of course, but Fox thought the two of them were being downright stupid. “Or stop blubbering about one another.”

If she'd been a different sort of wolf, Fox would have given a longer speech, full of flowery words and guidance. As it were, she was Fox. Curt, to the point, and short-tempered. Even though she wasn't technically involved in the situation, she couldn't stop herself from butting in. Next time, Fox decided, she would steer clear of such topics. Figuring all was said that could be said, Fox stood by and waited for any last words from Amelie.
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RE: that's what you get when you let your heart win - by RIP Fox - September 05, 2014, 06:42 PM