Sequoia Coast follow me down
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916 Posts
Ooc — Steph
Tonravik had seen the ocean.

She had been born upon the Mountain, but moved upon the coming of another litter. That was her mothers way. Still, in her growing, she had been brought to the ocean to be trained. To fish, and to move against forces other than wind. There had been times she had almost drowned. Her mother would have watched her. The strong survive. The weak die. It was as simple as that.

The Tartok woman had remained a little longer with her mother before being sent away again. More progeny would come, and Tonravik was a competitor to Siku particularly this time around. Tonravik hungered for power, but even she was not insipid enough to attempt to dethrone her mother then; even with her age, Siku was the essence of pure, raw power. Tonravik had now fought wars and battles, had killed and seen death of foe and Tartok alike. She was a changed woman, now. Better prepared. And ready. Certainly not to overthrow Siku, the matriarch, a leader who might not have even reached her prime or the pinnacle of what she was meant for but could not be bested or ruined, but to begin her own reign.

Tonravik was Tartok. One of its many successors. And here she would become its successor, its next-in-line. There were many who vied for this, desired to rule, continue her mothers fierce legacy... but Tonravik would destroy them. Make them know as her mother would that she would rule, until her dying breath.

She had found her aokkatti on her journey and together they traveled. The woman sent Echelon ahead, so Tonravik could scout and scavenge and garner information. She could only note one pack, and was none too worried. Tartok would come. Her wolves, her brothers and sisters, would come.

It was difficult to find Echelon's trail. Just as it would be difficult to find Tonravik's own. But her mother had been Siku, who had been a tracker as well as a warrior. It took time, but less than it would take any other if only because of the skillset she had acquired from the bear. And in hours, Tonravik found her upon a Coast. The sight was... strange. Soothing in its familiarity, but haunting just as well. Before her aokkatti stood a large stone, and Tonravik thought this fitting. Even more a comfort than the quiet waters that ebbed and flowed.

Tonravik did not pause in her approach, and did not hide it. The bear of a wolf sauntered to the woman's side and rumbled deeply, though she was sure the woman now of her blood would simply have known regardless of her sounding off. Tonravik kept her head high, and her dark eyes looked around them. Nothing.

Her eyes fell to the rock, and then to Echelon. Her left ear flicked and then she proceeded to move forward.

They would move on. Find themselves a mountain. They were Tartok.
Messages In This Thread
follow me down - by Echelon - September 07, 2014, 01:10 AM
RE: follow me down - by Tonravik - September 07, 2014, 05:09 PM
RE: follow me down - by Echelon - September 08, 2014, 12:02 AM