Otatso Wetlands Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry
263 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
[size=x-small]Ooh this will be interesting![/size]

The mottled wolf trotted swiftly down the creek, head low to the ground but barely moving as she moved along. She was headed towards the wetlands, because she hadn't yet payed a visit to the location. Most wolves wouldn't be particularly excited about getting their paws unpleasantly warm and wet, but Falwasi hadn't thought of it, the feeling of water clinging to her legs habitual to her. The cream fur on her paws and legs would stick to her skin, making her legs look even taller and thinner than they were, especially with her thick winter coat growing in. She listened attentively to the soft rumble of the river gradually dying as she neared the wetlands.

As Falwasi reached a slightly damp area that marked the start of the wetlands, she caught a scent of a wolf that did not belong to Swiftcurrent Creek. She increased her pace, staying in trot but her legs stretching out in front of her, paws briefly touching the soft ground. She slowed a little as she spotted a figure ahead of her.

At first, the golden wolf thought she was dreaming as she walked towards the wolf. She thought she saw herself standing before her own eyes, but as she approached the she-wolf coming to a light stop before her, she noticed it was of a more average build and height, and of a slightly lighter coloring. 'Hello...' Falwasi said, eyeing the wolf as she waited for an explanation as to why the stranger was in Creek wolves' territory.
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RE: Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry - by Falwasi - October 02, 2014, 02:03 PM