King Elk Forest Beast Within
175 Posts
Ooc — The System
For Venere, @Vidaar, and @Vaska. The pups are about 9 weeks old! For reference, the rendezvous is on the eastern border, where the cliffs are. I haven't gotten around to making a map of the territory yet.

Around week 9, the pups will be moved from the whelping den to the rendezvous site. Pups no longer drink milk and will eat meat provided by the pack. Guard hairs grow in during this time. Their eyes will begin to change colour in week 8 and will finish transitioning by week 16. If they haven't changed from blue by this time, they will remain blue for life.

It was time to leave the whelping den. Vex bustled her children out, and she gestured into the thick forest around them. "This forest is where we make our home. It is time for us to move you deeper into it. You will be safer there."

Vex had a haunt she liked — it had originally been a place of peace, and silence, where she could retreat to. Now, it would be her whelps' new home. She led them to it, some miles away from the weir. Their bodies could handle the travel. The cliffs rose high in the east, a natural border for the forest, and in them was a moderately sized cavern, a gaping maw in the rock leading to an underground stream. Wildflowers and berry bushes scattered the forest nearby. It would be a good place. Vex turned to her children, to see what they thought of the place.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vex is currently healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vex is currently doing well mentally... or, as well as Vex can be.

Messages In This Thread
Beast Within - by Vex Cruor - July 27, 2022, 12:01 PM
RE: Beast Within - by Vidaar - July 28, 2022, 11:02 AM
RE: Beast Within - by Venere - July 29, 2022, 10:13 AM
RE: Beast Within - by Vex Cruor - August 06, 2022, 06:25 PM
RE: Beast Within - by Vidaar - August 08, 2022, 10:14 AM
RE: Beast Within - by Venere - August 12, 2022, 10:19 AM
RE: Beast Within - by Vex Cruor - August 12, 2022, 03:03 PM