Blacktail Deer Plateau New Beginings (Joining)
Life. It was everywhere in the Plateau, from the birds in the trees to the insects that crawled at her feet. It was a completely different world from the previous dull land Aewen had come from, and she couldn’t help but stop and gaze upon it in wonder.  The Plateau was filled with the scent of her new pack mates, each one more different that the next and pine and cedar. She could faintly hear the harsh scream of some sort of bird of prey and there were steep mountains in the distance.  Its…majestic, she thought tentatively, as though she were not sure what words should be used to describe such a place.

Aewen was not sure how she should introduce herself. It had been quite a while since she had interacted with others of her kind and she was did not want their first impression of her to be rude or unorthodox. And she certainly did not need them to know right off the back that she had coyote in her. Hesitantly, she lifted her head and gave a friendly howl, cringing at the yip that forced its way out at the end. Great. Now the probably thought she was a puppy or she had never learned to speak properly. Oh well. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, she quickly groomed her fur, picking burrs and leaves from her coat and patiently sat on her haunches.
Messages In This Thread
New Beginings (Joining) - by Aewen - October 06, 2014, 09:39 AM
RE: New Beginings (Joining) - by Saēna - October 06, 2014, 11:18 AM