Otatso Wetlands Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry
Can't move on<br>But I can't go home<br><br><img src='http://www.wolf-rpg.com/images/icons/advisory.jpg'>
319 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Huzzah! this shall.... Danica doesn't really know how to behave >=D

Well, it appeared as though she wasn't too far away for Bazi's cronies to find her after all. Tipping her head, she studied the girl before her. They could have been sisters, their coloring similar despite her darker hues. She was less lanky, though, and as usual found herself looking slightly up to meet the girl's eye before her gaze moved on once more.

"Hello." she responded. There had been a slight question behind the other wolf's tone but she ignored it, not feeling the need to explain herself. She had crossed no borders. "So, the Creek got some new blood, huh? That was quick." She could scent more than a few strangers upon the girl through the strong mark of the Creek. Bazi must have really stepped up recruitment, unsurprisingly since she lost so many to the Glacier.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry - by Danica RIP - October 07, 2014, 09:41 PM