Ankyra Sound as grief can tear apart the soul (discovery)
77 Posts
Ooc — Riven
NPC'ing Atlas out, since he's now inactive. Sorry for being stupid slow on this, but I'd like to continue!

Her bright eyes snapped open in surprise, her head turning to set a turquoise gaze upon the consort. Perhaps born of embarrassment, the priestess pulled back her lips to show the male her teeth in warning. He had much to learn; if Greyjoy had found her in such a vulnerable state, he would have remained in silence to guard her, or would have moved on without notice. "It is your place to remain unheard and unseen," she hissed angrily, "unless there is need for you. I have no need for you." Aktaie lunged, then, though she did not intend damage; only to shoo him away. It seemed to have work, for the consort quickly disappeared; if he lingered nearby in silence and out of notice, the priestess would pretend to be unaware of his presence.

Agitated, the siren began to dig around the tree's base where there looked to be a hollow between its roots. She didn't quite know what she searched for, but the physical activity served as a channel for her annoyance.
Messages In This Thread
as grief can tear apart the soul (discovery) - by Aktaiê - September 02, 2014, 10:00 PM
RE: as grief can tear apart the soul (discovery) - by Aktaiê - October 09, 2014, 03:58 PM