Otatso Wetlands Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry
Can't move on<br>But I can't go home<br><br><img src='http://www.wolf-rpg.com/images/icons/advisory.jpg'>
319 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Danica shrugged. "No reason. Sometimes it's nice to visit your old stomping grounds." It was true enough, though Danica wasn't a particularly nostalgic creature. "Don't worry. I don't intend to get closer." She wasn't looking to tempt fate.

"How are you liking the Creek thus far?" She asked, curious. She assumed Bazi still led and wondered if things had changed since she left. Obviously they were growing.
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RE: Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry - by Danica RIP - October 26, 2014, 02:44 PM