Otatso Wetlands Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry
263 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The honeyed wolf nodded as Danica explained why she had come near the border. It seemed simple and understandable enough - Falwasi herself would like to come back to her old land once the Creek wolves had claimed new territory. If they would even claim new territory. Most wolves seemed opposed to moving from their beloved home of rumbling waters, so Falwasi wasn't sure if the relocation was even a possibility.

The creamy hued wolf asked her how she was settling in, and honestly, Falwasi was settling in fine, though her two months here had been extremely eventful. "I like it here; it's very... dramatic. But different to what I'm used to." She said, pondering whether Swiftcurrent Creek had always been a handful.

Suddenly, Falwasi spoke, "And how is the Glacier?" she said in a casual tone. The revelation of what she just said slowly sunk in, and she froze as she realized she fucked up. She wasn't meant to know Danica was a member of Duskfire Glacier - and she wouldn't know by her smell anyways since she had never visited their pack. Trying to brush it off, she reverted to her placid and neutral position, hoping the she-wolf wouldn't notice her error.
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RE: Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry - by Falwasi - October 27, 2014, 07:28 AM