Porcupine Ridge Chapter two | With my chin held up, there’s always better luck tomorrow!
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[Image: LygXIpL.gif]

There were so many cool things- and places, and smells, and sights! So many sights! She was enthralled, excited beyond belief as she was giddy over every bit of ground she’d stepped over. Yes, this was a difficult climb, and yes even more a big, scary place, but it’d proven different, right? A big deep breath, and her eyes lit up with near glitters from the vibrant sun. “WOOHOOOOOO!!”

Shoving her flushed nose in sun-sided sneezeweed with the colors of yellows and reds, autumn oranges. Funniest thing, how they tickled her nose, and oh, she wasn’t sure what they were, but they sure felt strange! Fascinating! Inhaling like she was hyperventilating, a wicked sneeze was all she needed to shoot around to other things. Like how the ladybugs trailed up the trees, or how fox scent went in strange circles that she followed. Circles, circles, circles!
Was there a point in this? Did animals do this for a reason? Did coyotes do this? Was she sure it was even fox scent? (It wasn’t).

Gasping, she lifted her head as she quickly found herself eyeing something…. Prickly!

Bolting to it, she dipped her head in all of its angry fury and bounced dodges of its outrage! No, she didn’t plan to disturb it- just.. examine it. VERY closely! So many things grabbed her attention!
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Chapter two | With my chin held up, there’s always better luck tomorrow! - by Mimzy - October 27, 2023, 11:06 PM