Otatso Wetlands Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry
263 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The creamy hued wolf had taken no notice to Falwasi's mistake, and Falwasi was somewhat relieved, somewhat indifferent about it. "That's the reason why I came to the Creek," the mottled wolf replied without returning Danica's chuckle, though this was a statement she convinced herself was true... But only a marginal amount of it was. Swiftcurrent Creek had been full of drama, more than she had expected.

Falwasi nodded quietly as the she-wolf ran through the main keys of the Glacier — isolation and ice. The independent wolf had been prepping for her trip North; she was fully prepared except her coat, which hadn't grown that much.

"I am actually heading up there in a week's time with Kaskara, another member of the Creek," Falwasi said, speaking up a little. "Maybe I'll see you there?" she added with a small tilt of her head and her eyebrows raised. Unless the female chose to stick around the central part of the Wilds for a little while, she was sure she would see Danica there. If she didn't... well, Falwasi had always been a slightly apathetic wolf when it came to chit-chat.
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RE: Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry - by Falwasi - November 03, 2014, 12:11 PM