Permafrost Hollows You Taunt Me
7 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
The feline’s eyes followed the weasel’s unfortunate rise and fall, unimpressed at the canine’s display. Moonlit eyes rolled, another bored yawn parting her lips. Amyrlin did not fear this wolf, she had no reason. It was clear that the showmanship was a result of uncertainty in the lynx, whom did not have an ounce of care that this wolf had invaded her space. Her trees were tall and wolves are not known to climb, her safety not a concern.

Well, most aren’t, but there’s always an outlier. So her mother said many turns of the suns ago.

But, this wolf was no threat. Amyrlin was more curious than anything.

“I merely just wanted to observe you.” She said with a shrug. “I do not meet many wolves this close, you all form…packs, afraid of surviving this world with your own power. You are alone, yes?” 
Messages In This Thread
You Taunt Me - by Amyrlin - January 17, 2024, 11:38 AM
RE: You Taunt Me - by Tulugak - January 30, 2024, 02:30 PM
RE: You Taunt Me - by Amyrlin - February 01, 2024, 11:01 AM
RE: You Taunt Me - by Tulugak - February 01, 2024, 01:04 PM
RE: You Taunt Me - by Amyrlin - February 04, 2024, 09:14 AM
RE: You Taunt Me - by Tulugak - February 10, 2024, 06:25 AM
RE: You Taunt Me - by Amyrlin - February 10, 2024, 08:02 AM
RE: You Taunt Me - by Tulugak - February 10, 2024, 09:00 AM