Sheepeater Cliff To gather, such curious things
246 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Envy sat back casually as the stranger spoke, his flattery beckoning a museful purr that rumbled in her throat and drew a delighted grin that weaseled its way across pallid features. Astronomical, talented. Yes yes. Don't stop now. Keep going. 

The attention felt like the warm embrace she so desperately craved from many others in her life, yet of course she was resigned to seek it from strangers, rather than flesh and blood. A seeker, she was forced to be. A soul tainted with desperation, it was not her fault she was this way. Nothing was, nor could it ever be. It was others that had soiled her so. 

Give your words to fill that empty, cavernous place that yearned for approval. This sweet little treat of attention merely inspired her to do more, to act out, to push herself further. 

Don't take your eyes off me. Keep coming back for more. I can be good.

And then he'd introduce himself, stranger no more. Cassian now. She listened attentively to his words, absorbing them into her very essence. Feeding an ego she bore out of defense. 

He was friendly, and so she trusted. Deception was unknown to the wretch, beyond that of her own, of course. No, any she'd encountered were always upfront, unable to hide their feelings on her. She had that effect on people. Tunnel visioned and erratic as she was, those derisive glares which failed to mask disturbance were far from lost on her; they were merely an echo of a sentiment long internalized.

She knew the look so well. Mother had it. She'd always had it. 

Cassian seemed to withdraw on aiding her herb-gathering venture, though his offer of a hunt still stood. She wouldn't allow it to slip away.

 Indeed, they're bitter little things, but good for other uses! Much more fun uses! Better than being snacked on by some doe and her fawn. I can handle the plant gathering okay on my own, come to think of it... 

She'd  drawing a pearly fore mitt to her maw and rubbing it down the length of her muzzle. 

But the snack! Oh yes, you'd be great for it! You seem like a fit hunter, strong legs and pretty teeth. You could catch me something nice, I'm certain.

Envy rose to circle him, crouching and eyeing every feature as she too would shower him in a motivating barrage of flattery. Intentions lingered beneath every word. She slunk along his flank, not shying from touching a man she'd only met hardly a breath ago, and allowing her tail to linger and gently flick before she'd retake her seat in front of him, a soft thump as she sat back.

She'd indulge his request for her name, though at this point in her travels, he could've asked for much of anything, and she'd have indulged. Her name was an easy feat. 

Oh no, I can give you my name, it's no secret a' mine. My name is Envy... Maybe because I was the prettiest of the litter, or maybe cause mama wished she could restart. Or maybe it has no meaning at all. 

She mused and offered an idle shrug, her tongue drifting intentionally over pearly ivories, exposed for only a moment as she'd pause to yawn. 

...But now you've got me curious on what else it was you wanted. 

She remarked in a higher pitch, curiosity leaving its mark on her tone, she'd flick an ear restlessly. 

...Bring me that snack, if it is a fox, try an' bring it alive if you can. I like to play with my food. If you can do that, then I might do whatever it was you were thinking of. We can share it too, if ya like.
[Image: Bone.gif]
Messages In This Thread
To gather, such curious things - by Envy - April 16, 2024, 05:48 PM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Cassian - April 20, 2024, 05:01 AM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Envy - April 24, 2024, 12:59 PM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Cassian - April 24, 2024, 05:23 PM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Envy - May 03, 2024, 12:42 PM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Cassian - May 05, 2024, 03:41 PM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Envy - May 07, 2024, 10:18 PM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Cassian - May 18, 2024, 01:07 AM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Envy - May 27, 2024, 10:10 PM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Cassian - May 29, 2024, 09:45 PM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Envy - June 06, 2024, 07:43 PM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Cassian - June 21, 2024, 09:43 PM
RE: To gather, such curious things - by Envy - June 24, 2024, 01:23 AM