Boartusk Heights In all things considered, it’s a choice
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Good lord, sorry this took a while to get going. Scoria is HEAVILY pregnant at this point (due Friday this week), but I’d be willing to back date this a little bit to where she’s more than capable of making her way down into the Hinterlands from the Neverwinter Forest in Great Bear. I know the route set by Kigipigak has fizzled out by now due to their disbandment, but I’ll hint at that in this post. Slight PP of Hashut and Serem with permission, though both are welcome to post here <3

@Hashut had returned to her and Serem, bringing to them an opportunity to join a pack south of where they had camped. He mentioned the need to travel a specific route, one set by a rival pack claiming territory, lest they chance trespassing while reaching the new pack. It took some time to mull it over on Scoria’s part, but in the end it was decided by all to move ahead with the plan to join.

They had travelled, ever so slowly, as Scoria felt the weight of her pregnancy as the days went by, her belly growing heavier and her energy levels dropping. The trio had reached the start of the route they were encouraged to take, but when Hashut called for an escort, no one had come. So, they took the straightest route they could to get to @Reyna; this time, it was Scoria that called for the unknown woman.
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Messages In This Thread
In all things considered, it’s a choice - by Scoria - May 06, 2024, 06:43 AM