Boartusk Heights In all things considered, it’s a choice
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Oh, my goodness, the insult was not as bad as I thought haha Scoria would have reacted much differently had that been said aloud, though haha

The pale woman greeted them, her shock in Scoria’s condition evident. If Scoria had been less spineless, she would have shrunk under the woman’s gaze, but the dominance in her caused her to stand straighter, though not so much so in a challenge. This was a potential home, her ego should not stand in the way of that.

“Thank you. Hashut has told us of your kindness and we are grateful to you. I am Scoria, his…the mother of his children. I am due soon and we are desperate for respite. If you shall have us, we are yours.” She wanted to vomit at the sickly sweet words, but she needed to play nice. The safety of her babies was most important.
This character conducts herself in a manner that may include vulgar language and violence. By interacting with her, you are doing so at your discretion.
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RE: In all things considered, it’s a choice - by Scoria - May 07, 2024, 01:19 PM