Boartusk Heights In all things considered, it’s a choice
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Eyes closed briefly as she nodded, a sickly sweet smile dripping in gratefulness towards the woman before she followed her into their soon-to-be claim. 

“Reyna, if I may be so bold to ask, but does my current condition not bother you? As the head of this pack, surely it would, would it not? I only ask because I think of my own upbringing and what I had witnessed then. I do not say this to doubt your hospitality or generosity and the promise of safety for my babies, I am merely curious.” It was true—she had seen things happen in her pack when members had whelped before the lead pair; it was not something she wanted to repeat, nor experience.
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RE: In all things considered, it’s a choice - by Scoria - May 10, 2024, 09:43 PM