Greatwater Lake Some nights I stay up, cashing in my bad luck
46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt

She wasn’t even sure what to say. What was so scary about this moment? About Ace? Would he find her to be so utterly ridiculous and laugh at her inner turmoil? It was ridiculous, wasn’t it? To be so utterly afraid of feeling something she didn’t deserve? She couldn’t deny the magnetism of the mountain, and the constant want to climb and reach his peak, but what would she find there?

Even if she were to reach it, would he even want her to stay? She wouldn’t blame him, not after all she had done in her life before this. 

Her throat cleared, her voice with a slight waver. “Do you ever wish for a do-over? I mean, if you had the power to turn back time…would you? I do—well, did. I’m finding myself wishing that a little less lately.” A small, vague admission, unable to muster more.
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RE: Some nights I stay up, cashing in my bad luck - by Cynna - May 29, 2024, 07:22 PM