Greatwater Lake Some nights I stay up, cashing in my bad luck
46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Ace was the flame that could burn her very soul, and though she feared it, there was nothing beyond the flames for her.

Her parents once told her she belonged in Hell. Maybe, they were right. And, maybe, this was Hell.

If that were true, she rather enjoyed the place.

The God of Hell sat before her, the hunger in his eyes, akin to her own, drowned her as much as it burned to the very core of her.

Flames be damned, there was no resistance. She reached for him, and from her lips came his name, a desperate plea to be consumed and burned to ashes.
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RE: Some nights I stay up, cashing in my bad luck - by Cynna - May 30, 2024, 05:50 AM