Fishblight Mire Fishing Attempt
4 Posts
Ooc — Emily
All Welcome 
Rainheart wrinkled her nose in disgust. The scent of fish and rot intermingled in the air, hovering over the swamp. Despite the smell and abundant mud, the she wolf decided fishing wouldn’t be so bad here, despite the muck. Curiosity overpowered her and she walked into the mud. The mud stuck to her legs and she had to really high step to make progress but that didn’t stop her from seeking out a clear pool not that far ahead. 

Some trout swam around, sunlight glimmered some off their scales as they swam around. Rainheart’s stomach protested, this was such an easy meal!

She tried pawing at the water but that caused the fish to dart away and move into a deeper section of the pool. Huffing in frustration. She sat at the edge of pool, wandering how she was gonna catch one of these things.
Messages In This Thread
Fishing Attempt - by Rainheart - June 06, 2024, 04:12 PM
RE: Fishing Attempt - by Gun - June 21, 2024, 05:13 PM