Boartusk Heights wild roses
La Muerte
4 Posts
Ooc — Bone
ehehe snatch

Spurned from another fight for milk, Nymphora had instead begun to focus on, well, focusing. Bright blue eyes contrasted deeply against her peachy hide and ink-splattered face as they tried to adjust to the shadowed world around her. What was once blurry, faded shapes with no semblence of anything earthly became just that little bit easier to really see. Her mother's face, for one, restful and quiet, save for the hushed breaths that cast a soft wind from her nose. 

Nymphora rolled to the outermost side, mostly to get away from Valeria and her feisty kicking, but perhaps also to fulfil a newborn sense of adventure. There was another shape standing at the foot of the cavern, and she crooned her little head over to try and make it out in the darkness. She had no thoughts. No sense of danger, nor sense of friendliness. She simply continued to blink and stare. 

How interesting the world was, when you could finally see—partially see, at least.
Messages In This Thread
wild roses - by Diego - June 18, 2024, 09:04 AM
RE: wild roses - by Nymphora - June 18, 2024, 09:25 AM
RE: wild roses - by Vincent - June 19, 2024, 12:18 AM