Wild Berry Meadow No time
Wild Fauna
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The herd weathered the beginning of summer in the shade of the forest. While higher grounds would have been preferred by the sorrel lead mare, she knew that Cedar wouldn't have done well with the rough footing. 

Day by day, the bay mare ailed, and Fancy saw in the hollowing near her hip and the arching of the mare's withers the telltale signs that Cedar had begun to shut down. Never did the creased above her tired eyes cease. She carried guilt that Fancy tried to dispel, to no avail. Even Silverbirch's antics failed to rouse her spirits. 

In the night, she left, as quietly as she could. Fancy slept in short spells, but awakened to count only @Selenia and Silverbirch within sight. She whickered softly, looking through the tree trunks, hoping Cedar might answer, to hear nothing in response. She nudged the palomino, and began to sniff about. 

"Wolf's teeth," She murmured. "She's left cover," She commented, noticing the faint trail of broken fern fronds that led toward the meadow. She felt thankful the mare hadn't wandered toward the North, where a pack had seemingly settled in the plains. "Cedar, you better be sleepwalking," She said, setting her teeth.

In her heart, she felt despair, but she pushed it aside. 

"I'll go look." With no herd stallion, they would be short on defense; if she could find Cedar and herd her back, they might have had a chance; but the lives of Selenia and Silverbirch weren't ones she was willing to risk.
Messages In This Thread
No time - by Fancy - June 21, 2024, 03:27 PM
RE: No time - by Silverbirch - June 21, 2024, 03:32 PM
RE: No time - by Selenia - June 24, 2024, 01:19 PM
RE: No time - by Fancy - June 29, 2024, 11:16 AM
RE: No time - by Silverbirch - June 29, 2024, 11:19 AM
RE: No time - by Selenia - 8 hours ago