Sequoia Coast ~For we have traveled a long way, the ocean is near~
16 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Sorry I’ve been really slow, working on a well crafted response. Also got really busy with life stuff happening -_-
She listened, thoughts hanging on every word. It was interesting, almost poetic in a way, this man had clearly been on his own journey. Full of meaning, searching. He said “down” south, perhaps he came from a more higher elevation? She could tell that they were both new here, there was no doubt.

He went on, continuing the story while all the while explaining what he had seen, and feel. “Born again….” This word caught her attention, it vaguely reminded her of something that her brother would say, however her attention turned back to him, the current moment. He had explained advice he had learned, good advice too. “Kind souls” like herself, this was touching, especially since she had rarely been around other wolves outside of her family, her old pack. Even though it was relatively small at the time. She nodded with a sweet small smile, “that you have, thank you for the compliment.” “I can say the same for you, you too seem as decent a soul as I.” She meant it, she knew in her heart, or whatever wolves feel strongly with.

What about her brother? Her life after that? She opened her mouth slightly as if to speak, though no words came out. Closing her lips she contemplated for a minute…. If she found her brother, great! Although… what would be of Cassian? Would they split up, would he stay with her? These are things she hadn’t ever thought she’d think about, though she meant to come here and solely find John, she had felt more. She had learned and experienced more so far, she didn’t want to give it up. She didn’t want to give her traveling friend up.

He wasn’t prying at all, “of course, you’re not. I truly don’t mind at all.” “Well, outside of this I could say I am very relaxed and peaceful,” she thought more, “I absolutely love running through the meadows and fields, listening to birds and seeing all nature.” She also loved socialization, something that was indeed hard in a small family pack.

Her tail wagged, thinking of memories from her childhood. Very fond ones.

“I would hope that…. I Continue to travel with you, then if I find John see what he’s been up too.” She truly wondered what he had been doing all this time, barring the possibility that he may not be here. She pushed this out of her mind, if that bridge needed to be crossed she would, she’d hopefully have Cassian with her at the time. Whatever happened. With all said and done, she offered, “Would you like to go splash in the waves?” A smile spreading across her face, like of a happy little pup who just found a fun friend to play with.
~A heart full of love~
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RE: ~For we have traveled a long way, the ocean is near~ - by Adah - June 26, 2024, 07:39 PM