Whitefish River that's a lot of fish
5 Posts
Ooc — xDoglate
He slowly padded one large paw ahead of the other, quietly and rather unworried in his posture. Ram's eyes were half closed to accommodate the bright sun, and his ears were relaxed atop his wide head. Though quiet and lonely, he was satisfied with the stillness of the area and its residents. He had managed to slip by territories without attracting attention and frankly, wasn't in the mood for it. Ram's depressive mood made him feel lonely and want to remain alone-- A behavior a little unlike the standard for whence he came and who he normally was. It was nice to disengage his guard once in a while.

     As the rusty male approached the bank of the river, the tall grasses parting way to expose him, he hesitated to enjoy the breeze. Oh... Ram inhaled repeatedly, tasting a slight scent that drifted in on the air. I suppose my solitude was bound to be interrupted eventually... His rusty red fur stood on end at the thought. However, whoever they were, they seemed to be ahead of him a little way, upstream. At least he retained the opportunity to skirt by unnoticed if he chose to. After a moment of being lost in recollection of prior rivalries with other males whom he had known, his bristles relaxed, and he stared back at the cool water lapping at his toes. Ironic. he thought, as he should be lapping at it

     As he finished his drink, Ram investigated the river, traveling the way toward the stranger but only cautiously, more focused on what morsel he could rip from the waves. He was still hungry. Fortunate enough to find small bites frequently in the bountiful summertime, but nothing substantial. If he were honest, fish probably wouldn't be satisfactory either. He hadn't tasted red blood in a some time. Venison or some other hoofed animal. He enjoyed those the most. Ram shrugged. Not likely as a loner. He waded through the current focused on what was in front of him, slowly glancing intently.
Messages In This Thread
that's a lot of fish - by Lenina - June 20, 2024, 03:20 PM
RE: that's a lot of fish - by Yukimi - June 22, 2024, 11:53 AM
RE: that's a lot of fish - by Lenina - June 24, 2024, 01:18 PM
RE: that's a lot of fish - by Yukimi - June 27, 2024, 01:32 AM
RE: that's a lot of fish - by Ram Ferious - June 27, 2024, 08:16 AM
RE: that's a lot of fish - by Lenina - June 27, 2024, 03:35 PM
RE: that's a lot of fish - by Yukimi - June 28, 2024, 03:37 PM
RE: that's a lot of fish - by Ram Ferious - June 28, 2024, 11:07 PM
RE: that's a lot of fish - by Lenina - Yesterday, 12:37 PM