Felltree Marsh The blackness, the darkness forever
5 Posts
Ooc — xDoglate
The greeting almost went unnoticed for Ram was dozing off just enough to pass the utterance off as something he'd imagined. Upon realization that the words were coming from another individual, Ram swiftly sprung from his spot and spun to find the source. Bristling red fur complimented with a lowered head, tail close to his haunches, and a crinkled disposition. However, Ram withheld his growl. He took a moment to examine the creature: fur mixed of tawny and umber colors, relatively decent sized similar to himself. Though this figure was sturdy, he didn't seem as filled out as Ram suggesting a slightly younger age, if any. He could take him on... Probably.
     As the red male absorbed the scene, he glanced at the stranger's eyes: Yellow to Amber. He contemplated the character, looking to see what the angle could be if he could discern any from the limited details of this first impression. Not really. With the moment of hesitation passing into too long of a pause, Ram responded.
     "I hadn't yet decided." referring to what prey to look for. Ram lifted his posture from startled to on guard but kept his wrinkled muzzle.  What does it matter to him, anyway? challenged Ram in his thoughts. From his experience, other males always had to stick their noses into someone else's business to look for vulnerabilities. At the notion, he lifted his tail from his haunches slightly to prove that there were none to be easily found in him.
Messages In This Thread
The blackness, the darkness forever - by Tybault - June 25, 2024, 02:38 PM
RE: The blackness, the darkness forever - by Tybault - June 27, 2024, 08:00 AM
RE: The blackness, the darkness forever - by Ram Ferious - June 27, 2024, 05:54 PM
RE: The blackness, the darkness forever - by Tybault - June 28, 2024, 10:47 PM