Boartusk Heights [ffm] [m] luna rosa
La Muerte
38 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the blood of their matriarch clings to fur upon his head, and he quivers. not in fear, nor disgust. but in delight. for the first time since the moon of his birth, he feels as though he belongs. 

and it is here, in la muerte, that he will finally bring true purpose to his life. 

remaining still and sharp-eyed, his attention does not waiver from reyna. 

he waits. watching. listening.

"Common" | "Spanish"

(Please note: He is not fluent in english; thus he speaks minimal common and mostly spanish.)
Messages In This Thread
[ffm] [m] luna rosa - by Reyna - June 25, 2024, 11:29 AM
RE: [ffm] [m] luna rosa - by Basìlio - June 25, 2024, 11:39 AM
RE: [ffm] [m] luna rosa - by Soleon - June 25, 2024, 12:14 PM
RE: [ffm] [m] luna rosa - by Reyna - June 25, 2024, 07:48 PM
RE: [ffm] [m] luna rosa - by Basìlio - June 25, 2024, 08:41 PM
RE: [ffm] [m] luna rosa - by Paloma - June 26, 2024, 09:15 PM
RE: [ffm] [m] luna rosa - by Soleon - June 27, 2024, 08:12 AM
RE: [ffm] [m] luna rosa - by Reyna - June 28, 2024, 10:37 AM
RE: [ffm] [m] luna rosa - by Basìlio - June 28, 2024, 10:48 AM