Boartusk Heights the vampire diaries
La Muerte
5 Posts
Ooc — idle
june 29

Mom, I am now four weeks old and ready to rule the world. I am being the worst nuisance not only to you but to my siblings as well. Auntie @Paloma suffers when trying to put me in the lane and I bite every living being in my presence. Those teeth of mine seem very useful as a weapon against those standing in my way!

Dad still hasn’t showed up, but I believe he will soon. There must be something wrong with why he isn’t present, though I am just a little baby and I am not sure if I even have a dad. Can you have babies without a second parent? Definitely not a thought, I do have. I cannot even speak yet, though getting to that point very soon!

I love you, mom! I can’t wait to explore the world with you and finally take the first fight against my siblings!

By the way, I really like the rabbit meat. Can I get it more often?
Messages In This Thread
the vampire diaries - by Reyna - June 12, 2024, 10:30 AM
RE: the vampire diaries - by Valeria - June 15, 2024, 07:04 PM
RE: the vampire diaries - by Vincent - June 25, 2024, 09:28 PM
RE: the vampire diaries - by Valeria - June 29, 2024, 08:19 AM
RE: the vampire diaries - by Nymphora - Yesterday, 01:00 PM