Boartusk Heights the vampire diaries
La Muerte
4 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Despite her earliest hours being filled with ceaseless cries and desperate whinges for attention, Nymph had grown into a quiet child. Perhaps because her cries were so often left unanswered. Mother would leave some nights entirely, and father, well. Who even was he? 

Once her eyes were open, she'd resorted to becoming a watcher of sorts. She had no realization that her extended silence would give the impression of a stunted fledgeling. A late bloomer was the last thing she needed to be, but duty and competition was absent in the mind of the toddler. 

She saw things and she wondered why they were the way they were.

Why the handmaiden seemed to brighten when she looked at Candela and Valeria, but never herself. 

Why this alleged "father" was never here. What was a father, come to think of it? What was a father supposed to be? 

Why mother nor Paloma ever defended her when Valeria and Vincent stomped all over her tail or shirked her away from a meal. She wanted her siblings to eat! But they did not often leave much for her when she'd so courteously step back to let them have their fills. 

Was there something wrong with me? The pigeon had come to ask herself nightly. Perhaps it was the impurities that speckled her blonde complexion, but even Vincent was bathed in ink and he did not seem to feel the growing inferiority. He was a son, and that was what set him aside, while she was but a third daughter. She did not make such a correlation quite yet, however. 

She'd been passive. She'd been quick to give up, and she'd been more focused on exploring the caverns and sniffing the cold, night air than she had on mingling with her siblings, especially not after they'd discovered their teeth. Valeria in particular seemed simply thrilled to be testing them out, and Nymphora grew tired of being nipped. 

She'd begun to look at Paloma with distaste, especially after being coralled back into the den everytime she was caught straying just a little too far.

She could not help but be fascinated by the ants that congregated below.
Messages In This Thread
the vampire diaries - by Reyna - June 12, 2024, 10:30 AM
RE: the vampire diaries - by Valeria - June 15, 2024, 07:04 PM
RE: the vampire diaries - by Vincent - June 25, 2024, 09:28 PM
RE: the vampire diaries - by Valeria - June 29, 2024, 08:19 AM
RE: the vampire diaries - by Nymphora - June 30, 2024, 01:00 PM