Sequoia Coast ~For we have traveled a long way, the ocean is near~
21 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Whenever your ready to end the thread let me know. No rush, I absolutely love where this is going. :) I learned that John is one of the islands. So I’ll reach out to his player

She agreed, engagement was wonderful. Especially in nature. He had mentioned bird eggs, she had never heard of this concept…. Were they good? That could be something they try together! Though, what if there were young inside the eggs? This didn’t totally disturb her, though it was a bit of a foreign concept to her.

She listenend, he had so much to talk about. It was wonderful being able to hear another wolf instead of the silence felt and heard when she first stumbled upon the Teekons. “Bird eggs…. Interesting, I wonder if they’re gooey?” Eggs were gooey in the middle right? I guess they would one day find out. “We wouldn’t want them to be hard surely, a chipped tooth sounds like no fun. Also painful.” He stated that he enjoyed adventuring with her, and the feeling was reciprocated.

She raced him to the water, his speed was quite impressive. Though his slender build helped with that. She had good stamina, and was built a little stocky from her higher elevation heritage. He splashed, she laughed. “Thats wet Cassian!” She said in between laughs and gently splashed him back. This was so fun, she hadn’t had this much fun since her childhood. It seemed like he hasn’t either. “Swim?” She looked out to the water, the tide looked like it was going out so it would be relatively shallow. Though she was no expert. “Alright, let’s try it! It’s refreshing anyways!” She would follow him.
~A heart full of love~
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RE: ~For we have traveled a long way, the ocean is near~ - by Adah - July 11, 2024, 07:41 PM