Storm Watch Butte A Band of Demons Joined in and it Sounded Something Like This
9 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
short one to keep things moving, didn't mean to let things get away here

The stranger yielded to his directives. Well, that certainly made things easier. He might have had a surge of confidence if the relief wasn't short-lived. Oh no, it wasn't short-lived, it was tainted.

It was disappointing wasn't it? No struggle. Nothing to sink his teeth into. Oh, but that could change with a little time now, couldn't it?

Up, up, up they climbed. Nail clicking up rock as the ascended to meet the founder of Godsmouth.

Herod met his eye and Ransem stationed himself at the access route. This Merrick would only leave when Herod dismissed him. Ransem's eyes bore into the man's back, waiting.

How would Merrick leave? Down the footholds? Or over the edge?

Ransem could only wait and see. Listening all the while.