Storm Watch Butte A Band of Demons Joined in and it Sounded Something Like This
9 Posts
Ooc — Herod
The elder listened with growing interest, leaning forward with pricked ears as the boy continued to speak. It did seem like the right place.

Herod, deep in thought, let the silence linger for a moment before speaking, his tone thoughtful. This is truly remarkable information you have shared with me, Merrick, remarkable indeed. You mentioned that you came seeking charity? Then it would be my honor to repay you. A leg of doe and a poultice to ease your ailment should suffice, I believe, The man’s voice trailed off, his thoughts momentarily turning inward as he called over the side of the butte for the requested items to be delivered with all due haste.

The elder’s golden eyes remained steadfastly fixed on the boy, even as he leaned back in one comfortable, unhurried motion. A paw rose to rest beneath his chin, the gesture one of deep consideration, his mind sifting through the layers of Merrick’s account.

Now, boy, you say you were offered a place in this outpost. Can you tell me of their leader? he inquired, his voice smooth and conversational.