Qeya River speak, memory - of the cunning hero, the wanderer
27 Posts
Ooc — Kai
he who cohorts with cougars deserves no sympathy
that, the prince of black pearls knew for certain his kind would agree.
for no wolf worth his salt would dare exchange glances 
with a cat larger than life that upon canine skulls dances.

imuet followed the border down and washed his scent clean of queen @La Reine in the riverwater, in hopes that her mission would, for now, remain undetected and his place at her side, unknown to the packwolves that lived in the area. upon shaking off water that did well to do so, he took a moment to admire the handsome face in the river. his pelt was sleek, his thin frame fattened with cat-killed meat that she had shared, toned by travel. a fancy name meant to be promised reincarnation by the gods upon a gilded deathbed wouldn't serve him here, so charm and cunning would have to do in its stead.
pup. they were about a fourth grown, from what he could smell as the breeze swept past. this would serve his queen well to know. suppose wandering had gotten him this far, it'd get him far enough for what it was worth. all he hoped was that they didn't make him fight. he was terrible at it and frankly, fighting was not for royalty.

Messages In This Thread
speak, memory - of the cunning hero, the wanderer - by Imeut - August 15, 2024, 03:16 PM