Stone Circle I sometimes have wondered, where you've gone?
Swiftcurrent Creek
55 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!
Somehow the knowledge that she'd been under his watch made her feel all the better. Bjorn seemed to be of courteous nature -- despite his rather intimidating size -- but one who guarded the boarders of their home had to be effective in that way, right?

He chuckled -- she made him laugh! Hopefully that meant she was doing something right. Now that she'd thought about it, a question like that was quite the strange one -- especially to ask a stranger. She would've stumbled upon her own words had it been taken the wrong way. Thankfully, it hadn't.

The dove's eyes lit up with excitement at his next inquiry. Yes, you can say she'd been waiting to bring it up, hearing the familiar lith of the bear guard's name, but she was excited no less. Fra min mors side, ja! a happy spring in her voice and a grin on her face. 

To be honest, though, I never had much of an opportunity to talk about my mother's side of the family -- growing up in a pack that was centered more around dad's side.
[Image: 85512331_sBCUc47O1EZtqNO.png]
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.
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RE: I sometimes have wondered, where you've gone? - by Yukimi - September 05, 2024, 04:17 PM