like a black widow
<p style="font-size:12px;color:#000;text-shadow:1px 1px 8px #000;"><span style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px;"><i><b><FONT COLOR="#5a0b0b">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5a0c0c">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#590d0d">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#580f0e">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#56100f"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#551110">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#541211">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#531311">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#521512">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#511613">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#501714">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f1815"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d1a16">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c1b17">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4b1c18">k</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4a1d19">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#491e1a"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#48201b">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#47211c">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#46221d">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#44231d">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#43241e">,</FONT><FONT COLOR="#42261f"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#412720">b</FONT><FONT COLOR="#402821">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#3f2922">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#3e2a23">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#3c2c24">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#3b2d25">,</FONT><FONT COLOR="#3a2e26"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#392f27">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#383128">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#373228">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#363329"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#35342a">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#33352b">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#32372c">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#31382d">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#30382d">d</FONT></i></b></span></p>
53 Posts
Ooc — Tokio
Thanks for joining! <3 Every time I type "master" all I can think of is Star Wars (like how they have Jedi/Sith Masters/Apprentices) lol. /random

Pumpkin orange eyes remained focus upon his path, knowing only that he was heading into the heart of the territory, each step taking him further away from the scent markers of the borders; but in all reality he had no idea where he was going, running off the basis of the knowledge that this direction should see him into the deep of Swiftcurrent Creek. It was there that he intended to find a den and begin a poison and medicinal cache, an likely a collection of bones to use as talismans. The young Shaman was almost glad that he had no intentions of settling down with a mate and potential children and all that good stuff for any time soon. It wasn't something that Nefarious really thought of, despite that he had reached his sexual maturity earlier in the year. In a pack where his passion for voodoo and shamanism was widely accepted (and sought after) it was much easier to think about the prospects of mate-ship. Wolves feared what they couldn't understand, Nefarious had came to find out early in life, through the teachings of Suluk and Nefarious' later Voodoo Master after Suluk had reached the end of what he could teach Nefarious. It made sense to the Kesuk because at first he had feared the visions of the Great Bears which had started early, trembled at the sound of their voices, at the power that radiated from every fiber of their beings. The “visions” were the worst part though, haunting his dreams and twisting them into what the, at the time, young child had perceived as nightmares until Suluk had explained it to him, and though the fear still remained to some degree it had morphed into an altruistic love obsession for Atka, Sos and Voodoo. Instead of spurning it, Nefarious had begun to embrace it.

Sometimes, all it took to snuff out fears was someone who knew how to explain it. And sometimes, there was no explanation in the world that would erase terror if it was bad enough.

The scent of another soon wafted towards Nefarious' nose and the Shaman ceased in his steps, lifting his pumpkin orange gaze from the ground to rest upon the other male with subtle curiosity. The other was the first to speak, greeting him in a language that initially Nefarious didn't understand before using the common tongue. It was an introduction, a name accompanied by the question of who Nefarious himself was. A reasonable question, given his newness, Nefarious knew. “I am called Nefarious,” It wasn't the name given to him, but the name Anik was a not name he intended to share with anyone but his someday wife, if he ever met a woman that Atka and Sos deemed him worthy of. It had been chosen by Suluk because of the “visions” it's meaning in their native tongue of Inuit to mean Seer. Accordingly, Nefarious kept it close to his heart as if it were a secret he needed to covet.

Messages In This Thread
like a black widow - by Nefarious - November 10, 2014, 08:36 AM
RE: like a black widow - by Kaede IA - November 14, 2014, 09:34 AM
RE: like a black widow - by Nefarious - November 17, 2014, 07:10 AM
RE: like a black widow - by Kaede IA - December 05, 2014, 12:15 AM