December 29, 2024, 02:46 PM
She turned then to Y'var'la as the Harkonungr took his leave, leaning closer from the side
Too many ideas! She shook her head, intent to not get too far ahead of herself; there was collaboration to be done!
Shall we make the plans then?She queried with an excited twang on her tongue.
We could go together, or divide it between ourselves.golden shoulders rolled as she mulled over the visions she had of the altar in it's decorated glory, of the glen covered with sprawling ivy and bound with silk.
Too many ideas! She shook her head, intent to not get too far ahead of herself; there was collaboration to be done!
We will need many flowers..It almost daunted her, the weight of this responsibility, but she had faith everything would work out. It always did, lucky Pangur.
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RE: störf - by Pangur - December 29, 2024, 02:46 PM