Otatso Wetlands Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry
263 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
[size=x-small]Oops! Exit Fal. Thanks for the thread <3[/size]

"Perhaps," Falwasi said, repeating the same words the creamy female had spoken. Copper eyes lingered over Danica's own for a moment, speaking her goodbye. Then she turned around, following the prints she had left in the soft grounds when she first trudged into the wetlands, on her way back to her beloved Creek.

Falwasi couldn't make her mind up about Danica yet. She was an interesting wolf; sarcastic, but there was more to it. Sarcasm was one thing the golden hued she-wolf endured, but Danica's sort wasn't as provoking, as far as Falwasi could tell. Maybe Danica was having a day, and her personality traits were dulled. However, she could be wrong.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Turn the sound of defeat into your battle cry - by Falwasi - November 19, 2014, 03:46 PM