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buffalo chuckled, touched by the innocence that still somehow lurked beneath her savage demeanour. you're right, sis,
he grinned. you lead 'em to me and i'll fix 'em up right, for Sos.
and for me, he added silently. it was not that he wished to possess byll in that way; his body had not yet known desire, save for a fractured and confused longing wrought by the mature bodies of the lone bitches they had come across in their travels.
he simply did not want her to know such things, or to be possessed; byll would leave him, then, to rear pups with her new mate, and buffalo would fall secondary upon the totem pole of her heart.
bumping her roughly, the boy barked once and whirled, beginning a swift and dangerous descent down the thin towpath worn by deer into the side of the mountain.