Blacktail Deer Plateau New Home
4 Posts
Ooc — Frost
Knowing he'll look like a disgrace to his pack, Frost decided to turn around before showing himself to the pack. Frost was determined, He wanted to get stronger, and be known as the great hunter in his pack. Frost knew he could defeat the beast from the past, but only if he trained.

Bleeding out, he licked his leg to wash away the blood. Frost limped to the small stream. The stream turned red as Frost rinsed his damaged leg in the stream. Frost's ear twitches as he hears branches and leaves crackling. The beast. It's back,- "I gave you mercy! Why haven't you ran back to your pack" The beast roared. Frost didn't answer. "ANSWER ME! Are you challenging my power?" Frost started to lift his limp leg out of the water. The dark beast slowly moves closer, getting his powerful chomp ready. Frost knew he was in trouble, mumbling out weak words he managed to say "S-s-sorry." The bear got into his running stance, infuriated. Frost started to try his hardest to limp away. Frost was terrified, limping away from a bear for his life. The bear gained his ground and leaped upon Frost knocking him into the rock-side. The bear pinned Frost on the ground, Frost truly had no where to run, he was dead.

He leaned his head to the side predicting his future. But he heard loud paw steps, he had never seen this wolf before. The wolf at amazing speeds tackled the bear. He showed no emotion or empathy for Frost, only a nod of his head to signal Frost to run. Frost took the opportunity to limp his hardest away from the fight of the bear and the wolf. Frost saw a grove of bushes and soft flowerbeds to lay on through the night. All Frost knew now was he had to get stronger and become known as the great hunter. But to do that, he needed to rest and heal his leg.
Messages In This Thread
New Home - by Frost Wolf - January 15, 2014, 05:14 PM
RE: New Home - by Frost Wolf - January 16, 2014, 12:07 AM
RE: New Home - by Frost Wolf - January 16, 2014, 08:24 PM
RE: New Home - by Frost Wolf - January 18, 2014, 10:18 AM